I've fallen behind listing my gratitude. It has been a chaotic and challenging couple of weeks. As I told Ken, I'm looking on the positive side, but it would be nice if I had less challenges to explore the good side of.
Sorry, some of these pictures aren't very good. I shot the ones of the fridge with my cell phone in the dark using only the flash to provide light because I didn't want to wake anyone up and I was on my way to the hospital to see my grandma.
I'm behind on days, so here goes a general summary:
Fridge: I'm grateful we had a mini fridge to use when ours went kaput. And grateful for a husband who lugged it upstairs from the garage so it was more convenient to use. I'm grateful that it was delivered successfully and hey now I have a super clean fridge!
Hot Water Heater: I'm grateful that I have a hubby and father-in-law who are experienced with pipe and who were able to replace the hot water heater without having to hire someone. I'm also grateful that hot water heaters are reasonably priced (never in the budget, but so much less than a fridge). Who knew!
Grandma: I'm grateful my grandma won't need any facial surgery following her fall a week and a half ago. I'm grateful my grandma made it through her unexpected surgery (different problem) successfully and while still facing some challenges is recovering. I'm so, so, so thankful to my mom who takes such good care of her (and all of us).
Kids: I'm grateful that Anique has a friend she can giggle with and hide out in her temporary fort (fridge box=over-sized fort). I'm grateful (and proud) that Bailey works so hard on his soccer and took the risk to tryout for his school team. Double practices on some days but he's doing a great job.
I'm grateful for the time I got to spend in Anique's classroom teaching an art lesson. It's fun to see the kids try out new things and see how their individual personalities come out in their pieces.
Car: I'm grateful that our mechanic didn't charge anything to run a diagnostic test on my car when the engine light came on and gave me some tips to try to resolve the problem. Unfortunately, the light is back on and I'll be visiting him again soon but I'm grateful to have a mechanic we can trust.
I'm grateful that the thief who got into my car only took the Sirius radio (which I hadn't activated in a couple of years) and left everything else mostly alone.
I have a sign down in my office that says, "I know God wouldn't give me more than I can handle, I just wish he didn't trust me so much." I'm definitely feeling that sentiment about now.
Despite the challenges of the past couple of weeks, I am so fortunate to have a strong support system around us and a mostly healthy family (colds don't count in February right?)
So often finding gratitude is daunting. We forget about the small things. Thanks for the reminder.